Posted Jun 08, 2020 | Share this:

“It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.” Proverbs 25:2

Well, I don’t know about being a king but I love to seek things out about God!  When I was a little girl my favorite thing to pretend was being Nancy Drew.  I loved trying to solve mysteries and seek out what was hiding.

My “nancy-ness” has developed greatly in my adult years. 

I have a desire to learn all I can from the Lord.  Instead of taking someone’s word for it, I would discover the truth about what the Bible said or didn’t say.  My belief was influenced by anything anyone said because I did not have a reason not to.  However, since I have been taking my relationship with God into my own hands, I have discovered that things were not always as they were told to me.

Many years ago, I took some classes at my church about leadership.  The pastor told us they we need to personally know the truth not just believe what someone says.  He gave us an assignment to write down things you know are in the Bible because someone told you and then seek out the answers yourself.  What an amazing assignment.  It has changed my life.  Not only have I learned some precious truths but I have received a greater understanding of the Bible and my relationship with the Lord is joyful.

My new-found treasure-seeking skills has not only brought me knowledge that I personally own but it has also allowed me to feel like Nancy did in her stories as she solved the case.

God has concealed many things but what a joy it brings to unveil them.


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