Posted Jul 12, 2021 | Share this:

Jesus answered him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.'” Luke 23:43

All morning long I have had the song in my head, “This is the day,” not really sure who wrote it but I know it was taken from the passage “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it” Psalm 118:24.  It has not left my head since the moment I opened my eyes and it wasn’t until I realized that today is Good Friday the day of Christ’s crucifixion on the Cross, that I realized why I was singing a song I haven’t sang in more than 20 years.  It actually isn’t even one of my favorite hymnals, just a song that was taught to me in Sunday school as a child.  I never really thought much of it before now.

Many people utilize today as a sad reflection day and although I can understand why, it is just not the way I see it.  Don’t get me wrong I do feel sad that Christ was brutally beaten, slashed to the bone by the cat of nine tails, spit on, mocked, struck down, required to wear a crown of thorns deeply embedded into his head but His suffering is what gave me life so that I may share Him with others and glorify His name.

He told us that we would join Him in paradise, because of His suffering, if we accept Him into our hearts so I am joyful for the day He took the weight of my sins.  I count it all joy to know that Good Friday did happen because I will be able to sing “this is the day” at His feet.

“This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!”


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