Posted Oct 29, 2021 | Share this:

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.  If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.

Since I was a little girl my Daddy would take me out on a date for our birthdays.  His was four days away from mine so we made it an annual thing to celebrate together.  There were years that we celebrated by eating at Taco Bell and others were we sat and talked; it was our special time.  Fast forward about thirty plus of those special annual days to the very last time I got to spend my birthday with him.

On my Daddy’s 74th birthday he had four strokes.  Since he was such a feisty person my Mom, three sisters and I all believed he would recover well.  Just short of two years later, I got a call from my Mom asking me to come for a visit because the doctors do not think he will make it much longer.

My sisters and I scheduled visits a week a part from the last.  This way he would see one of each of us per week for a month, with me being the last in order to overlap our birthdays.

I called him before hand to tell him how much I loved him, what an amazing Daddy he was to me and that I had planned on being there for our birthday celebration.  With tears in my eyes, I told him that if he felt he needed to go that I would be okay.  Not to hang on for my sake.  That he will always be in my heart and I would understand.

He made it.

I celebrated one last birthday at his side with about 10 helium balloons tied to his hospice bed.  I was also able to see him give his life to the Lord and will feel forever blessed to be a part of his salvation story.  He died a week after I left.

The next year without him was so difficult for me, even weeks prior to our birthdays.

My girlfriend Rebecca knew the pain I was feeling and took me out to be my Daddy substitute.  We had a great time so a year later she suggested we invite more of my friends.

Last night was another such occasion.  I was able to spend another birthday with some girlfriends as they encircled me with love, knowing the sorrow I still feel without him.

Thank you: Debbie, Athena, Sara, Casey, Jennifer, Felicia, Jenn, Adrienna and Tori for they fun evening.

Thank you to my lovebug, an amazing husband,  for corralling the kiddos while I enjoyed an evening with girlfriends and a full day to myself.

Thank you to my sisters and friends for all the birthday wishes.

I am lifted up every year by God’s love and these people reminding me that I will see my Daddy again someday.  Who lifts you up?


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