Posted Nov 22, 2021 | Share this:

“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail” Proverbs 19:21.

We are told from a very young age to make plans.  As early as elementary school we are told to make a plan of how to write an essay or plan what additional stuff you want to do for an after school activity.  The older we get the more plans we make.  What club or sport to join in high school?  What college to go to and how to pay for it?  Where to live?  What career path to take?  When to get married?  When to have kids?  But where is God in all this planning?

My husband, the smartest man I know, is making plans.  He is in a wonderful job utilizing his brain perfectly.  He knows things that I cannot even comprehend.  My hubby blows me away with the ability he has to solve a problem with just one look.  I have never doubted his ability to see a solution.  I have an unwavering belief in his gift.

For the past ten years he has had a spectacular mentor for a boss.  This boss displays such leadership skills that I have not seen a comparison to.  He has poured into my love over these past ten years, being the perfect example of boss material.  Just a few months ago, unfortunately, he retired.

My husband thought it was good transition time to transfer to another department within his agency.  He knew another department would have growth potential.

Several people were hired, one after another, to fill those bosses shoes.  Each, one after another, were transferred into another position in the agency.  My husband told me what was going on with his ex-bosses position so I asked him why he hasn’t tried.

He began to make plans of how to broach the situation.  He had an overwhelming doubt in himself, automatically assuming he would not be able to obtain the job.  This particular agency puts its employees/hire potentials through a deal of red tape just to obtain employment.  For this reason he was justified to believe his “try” would be short-lived.

He made it past the first obstacle that more that 90% don’t.  His next obstacle is an interview with peers he worked with when he was in that department.  He texted today to inform me it will be held at the end of the month and that he has a month to stress about it.

My response was simple: “No need to stress.  If it is God’s will and you believe it is possible with Him, then it will happen.  Stress and worry are not of God.  If you give Him your best He will provide the best He has for you.”

All too often we make plans but forget to let God in on them.  When we do that metaphysical things occur in our body that can make us ill, stressed, and nervous.  Let the Lord make your plans and just enjoy the ride.


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