Posted Nov 28, 2022 | Share this:

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“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” ~Matthew 17:20.

A mustard seed is pretty tiny.

It isn’t the smallest seed, because carrot seeds are definitely smaller, but from that tiny seed comes a big plant.  I have seen mustard fields–they are beautiful.  Out from a tiny yellow seed, a large yellow plant grows.  It is symbolic that out of what you plant, you will get a return of something greater.  One kernel of corn produces a stalk with 3-4 ears of corn and each ear of corn produces approximately 800 kernels of corn.  The return for the planting is amazing.

God returns what is planted for His Kingdom, the same way.

Since He created the corn or mustard seed, He knew how its plant cycle would illustrate His provision for Him. God wants to be able to grow something in each of us that produces a massive harvest. We only need to be willing to plant a seed.

What is your seed?

When loneliness begins to creep in and it feels as though you are aching for someone to reach out to you, reach out to them.  Plant a seed of friendship by sending a sweet text or calling just to ask how they are doing.  “You catch more bees with honey then with vinegar”, so be sweet and not bitter.  People have no desire to be around anyone who is bitter–in fact they avoid communicating with that type of person.

The Bible talks a lot about seed time and harvest.

There is only one challenge with it and that is the verse in Malachi where God says to test Him with your tithe.  Sow into the kingdom and see how God can multiple that.  One one of my earlier blog posts I spoke about how I used to be someone that only tithed when I had the finances to do it.  That never worked.  It wasn’t until I began tithing before looking at any other bill that I became financially free.  I sow my seed into His kingdom for tithing to our church and reap the benefits of having more then enough, even to the extent of being able to give love offerings to several other ministries.

You can’t get a pineapple from a grapefruit seed.

So, what is your need?

For the past few months, I have been ministering to villages in Pakistan.  I was asked by a couple, who had been following me on social media for awhile, if I would pastor a church.  It multiplied into something greater than I had thought it would because of the seed I sowed.

Below is the result of the seed that was sown.

This Christmas season, there are many options for you to donate to. Most people wait until the end of the year to donate because they would like a tax deduction. That is understandable. I am in the process of creating a 501c3 entity, but it will not be approved until after the new year. Consider giving anyway…let me tell you my story.

We would love for you to be a part of this! Here is our story:

For several months, a couple followed me through social media. They wanted to teach women about God and thought they would attend a church service if they provided a meal for them and their families. This couple is in a small village in Pakistan; I know this sounds shady but keep reading.
These women, in this country, are not permitted to attend church without their husbands. Some are widows and some have husbands that do not believe in God. There is a large number of women that do not attend church for these reasons. This couple reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to head a church to preach the gospel, and the wife would translate for me.
We wanted to grow a ministry through food to further His kingdom. Each week, it costs money to purchase the meals, the wife cooks them, and the husband places them in to-go containers for each family while I preach. Every Saturday, at 5 am MST, which is 5 pm in Pakistan, I preach to villages via zoom.

Word has spread.  We started with 15.

Each week, 40-70 women and children have been fed through this ministry. We have purchased many things during the past two months to support their growth. We bought a new pair of shoes for each child for Christmas. For the women, we purchased non-perishable food for the women’s pantries for Christmas, chairs for them to sit on during service (as they were all sitting on the floor), and building materials to expand the church building to accommodate more attendees.
Some of these women do not know how to read, so we will be purchasing iBibles for each to hear the word electronically next year. Meals will continue to be supplied, and we will finish expansion on the building.
We have received word from other villages that their women would like to attend, increasing the need for financial support via zoom.
Please consider giving into this ministry, even though there is not a tax deduction yet, because it is a beautiful way to be the hands and feet of Jesus. He met physical needs, not just spiritual ones.

There is a gofundme page where you can support the next steps in this seed time.

Thank you for reading and for your support!

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