Tag Archive: fasting

  1. Fasting Side of Lent

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    Dive into the spiritual practice of fasting with Sarah and Karina on this week’s podcast episode. They share personal stories and insights on how fasting isn’t just for Lent. Tune in to explore the deeper meaning behind this discipline.


  2. Faithfulness with Fasting

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    “You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” ~ Proverbs 19:21 NLT.

    We are to be faithful to God because He is faithful to us.  He has a purpose for our lives and His purpose will come about.  The word says that we are to follow His example and His example was Christ on earth.  Christ did as the Father spoke.

    Over a week ago, I started a 21-day fast.  Fasting is not an easy task because it is intentional.  We are to fast and pray.  Fasting without praying is just a diet and that is not focused on God.  When God asks you to give something up, it is usually because He sees that it has more of a priority in your life then He does.  For me it has been mindless television/movies and carbohydrates.  I know that sounds silly but they have been major crutches for me.


  3. Fasting Because You Are Starving.

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    One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Appoint Barnabas and Saul for the special work to which I have called them.”  So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way.” ~Acts 13:2-3 NLT.

    How do you teach people, in a starving country, about fasting?  It sounds very bizarre to a person in a third world country to give up a necessity, one that is so scarce, for something they don’t see as tangible.

    This past Saturday, I preached on fasting to several villages in Pakistan.  It feels pretty normal to preach about the topic in the United States but this was definitely different.  On top of having the language barrier and being from a country that is seen as having everything, I was teaching a principle to them that did not make sense.
