Posted Apr 06, 2020 | Share this:

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”  Proverbs 11:25

When I was a Youth Pastor, my teenagers were learning how to bless others.  The large group went to LA for the mission trip on Skid Row. They were overwhelmed with emotions, from the experience they encountered.  Although large mission trips are needed, there are plenty of way to support others that could be done daily, without every leaving the city.  Something as small as a smile can change the course of someone’s day.

It doesn’t take a lot, to make a huge difference.

We asked the teens what things we, as a group, could do in our area to help others.  One teen suggested taking water bottles, sunscreen and snacks to homeless people around our city.  A second teen wanted to have our group hand out groceries, at the Roadrunner Food Bank.  The leaders placed glass bottles on each youth group table.  We explained to the group that for only $38 a month they can support this boy’s schooling, medical expenses and meals.  After sharing a story about a little boy from Guatemala, coins began to jingle in the glass bottles.  Eight tables filled with forty high schoolers equaled $40+ for that little boy.  One month of care, for him, was covered in just a matter of seconds.  I was so blessed to see the hearts of these teens fill eight glass bottles.

I am not telling you to bless someone the same way they did but I felt blessed just by having been a part of that event.

Take action and give all you can without expecting anything in return.  I promise you, your heart will be filled with joy because you are doing what God has called you to do.

Start now, do not wait until someone else begins because you will miss an opportunity meant for you.

During this pandemic, that has changed our culture and economy, is the perfect time to BE the difference in someone else’s life.

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