“And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'” Matthew 18:2-4
I had the perfect example of this happen to me today in the form of a tween (pre-teenager) displaying a faith filled with kindness. In fact I can honestly say this specific individual displays all of the Fruits of the Spirit most of the time, at least more often than I do.
Several months ago, I called my nine-year old niece to ask her if she had any chapter book recommendations for my six and four-year old to read, seeing is how she was that age more recently than I was. She told me a few that I already knew about but I was grateful for her suggestions anyways, if for no other reason then to know that she liked them and was giving them her stamp of approval. Most of them we, my girls and I, have already read together but she did suggest some other ones to which we quickly made our way to the local library to pick up. I was satisfied with the outcome and thought that was the end of it.
This morning she called to inform me that she had written a children’s mystery chapter book and was going to make it a series. Amazed by her gifts (mirror image of her mother) but I was not the least bit surprised and told her I was proud of her. My incredibly kind niece then asked, “do you remember when you called and asked me about those chapter books?” “Of course,” I replied. “Well I decided to write my own with your daughters in mind and was wondering if you would be okay with me dedicating it to them?” Water swelled in my eyes and love filled my heart for this special girl, she really does try to display Christ wherever she goes. I can say first-hand, I have even seen it happen when she is not even trying.
You know who you are “Sweetie-pea” and I love you!
She has a child-like faith and humbles herself before the Kingdom of Heaven. Not sure I can say the same, most of the time, can you?