Posted Jan 02, 2023 | Share this:

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“Look up to the mountains — does my help come from there?  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!  He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.  Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.  The Lord himself watches over you!  The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.  The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night.  The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.  The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” ~Psalm 121.

For the past couple of years, I have been watching the show The Chosen.

Many production companies have tried to recreate illustrations of the stories in the Bible.  With each new generation comes greater insight into the details that would need to go into a story as great as the one the Bible depicts.  This one book is a compilation of 66 books that serve different purposes but all have the same thread to tie them together: who is God?

One of the oldest movies I can remember attempting to tell part of His story was The Ten Commandments with Charleston Hesston.  The movie is extremely long and over dramatized, but my mother’s generation loved it.  Then there is the movie Mel Gibson produced called The Passion of the Christ.  This was the first time a viewing audience saw very real images of what could have taken place for Christ’s crucifixion.  He brought to life some of the horrific images of Jesus being beaten and suffering for our salvation.  There was not a dry eye in the movie theater, the day I went.

His story is one to keep telling!

The Chosen is released in segments, telling the story of the disciples.  Although the writers have taken a few liberties in the depictions of each character, their use of historical facts and context is inspiring.  It is currently in the middle of season three. With each new episode comes a stronger appreciation for God’s call on peoples’ lives.

I believe God has called us His Chosen, as well.  We need to be bold in who we are, who He is to others, and how we are to share Him with everyone.  Just like the disciples, we must put our faith into action for His Kingdom.  The imagery I am witnessing from The Chosen has ignited a greater level of boldness within me.  I really don’t know how someone could watch it and not feel the same.

Paul, Apostle of Christ is another great display of boldness for the coming King.  Action is the direct opposite of laziness and complacency.  Aside from Christ, the disciples, and Paul, there has never been another example in all of history so focused on teaching about the ministry of Jesus.  There have been people that have tried, Billy Graham, Kathryn Kuhlman, Corrie Ten Boom, Brother Lawrence, and Mother Theresa, but none that really lived and breathed Jesus all the time.

What example have we set?

It is completely okay to enjoy life and do activities with your family and friends.  However, can we say that our life reflects that King Jesus is the priority?  If we looked at the time we spend each day, can we without a doubt say that what we are doing represents Christ?  Is there something in this next year that can be changed to reflect Him more?

In The Chosen, I am currently watching episode 4 of season 3. (Skip the next paragraph because of spoilers if you desire.)

The disciples have been sent out in groups of two to put their faith into action.  Although the Bible never says anything about the disciples being afraid or concerned about their abilities while being sent out, the script writer shares their human side beautifully.  One person with a disability restores a disabled man and he walks unassisted.  Another disciple who is depicted as anxious casts out a demon with confidence.  All of the characters are filled with awe at the wonders they are able to do because of Christ.  There is no laziness in their stories as they are eager to see God in action.

We should be the same.

This year, the Lord gave me the word “bold” as my direction for the year.  I am not sure where He is going to take that or how it will be used in my life but I am excited.

Watching The Chosen scene previously described sets a pretty high standard of boldness.  It has been awesome to see that these people acted on what Jesus told them, through His example and directive teaching.  The more I watch, the more I crave to be that example to others.  There is a moment when two of the disciples’ dad asks them why they are quiet.  One of the brothers state that he has to be quiet. His dad is expecting some big scene from him.

For 2023, I will be working on my boldness, but not in the traditional sense of speaking my mind.  Like many of the disciples, that has never been a problem.

My boldness will be in my reserve, waiting for His timing.

I wear many different hats as a wife, mother, pastor, and therapist.  Speaking my mind is just a natural response and, in my line of work, is usually helpful.  Many people that I come across have been treated too sensitively and it causes them to not grow.  We have babied people too much, which is why they are standing up for the wrong things and discrediting the right things.  But, speaking too quickly can also be harmful.

I am not going to baby anyone anymore.  Speaking my mind is how God created me.  The difference between how I was doing it and how I will be doing it is through prayer.  I will boldly keep my mouth closed if what I would like to say is not directly from God. My mouth will open when He directs me to.  Up to this point, I believe I have been doing just that.  If I feel a person needs to hear something, it will only be said to God in my prayer time until He gives me the go ahead.

My help come from the Lord so anything is possible.

These are some of my 2023 goals. What are yours? Share in the comments!

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